Shocking no one, the alleged catfight between Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson has entered into the tabloid world. Of course. Because for a year we’ve been hearing from legit entertainment sources that no one involved in the production of Iron Man 2 wanted to alert the general public that Gwyneth was in any way involved in the film. Add to that, Gwyneth’s seemingly passive-aggressive attempts to fashion c-ockblock Scarlett Johansson in their two big cast appearances, and it really does seem like there’s some sort of catfight going on between the two women. Now the Enquirer is reporting that ScarJo and Goopy couldn’t even sit through one meeting together with being bitches:
Scarlett Johansson and Gwyneth Paltrow are locked in a bitter feud – over who is the film’s bigger star! And the claws were out at a recent meeting, where each woman took a swipe at the other, a source told the Enquirer.
The catfight starts when outspoken Scarlett announced that she deserves more press attention because she is “younger and hotter.” Scar is 25, Gwyn is 37.
“Gwyneth was outraged, but she kept her composure,” said the source. “She believes Scarlett was out of line.”
Gwyneth told Scarlett that when she wins an Oscar, then she can talk.
“Scarlett didn’t know what to say,” said the source. “She was upset.”
A rep for Scarlett denies that there is bad blood between her and Gwyneth. But the source insists that the rivalry is “driving everyone insane who is working on promotion of the movie.”
Robert Downey Jr. has not taken sides in the spat, said the source.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition]
I can’t really see ScarJo saying the line, “I’m younger and hotter” so that makes me think that this is false. However, I could see Goopy saying a line like “When you win an Oscar, then we’ll talk.” Can’t you just hear her snotty nasal voice saying that? I actually had to look it up though – ScarJo has never been nominated for an Oscar, shock. I thought she was nominated for Lost in Translation, or maybe Match Point, but no. Nothing. So… one point for Goopy? Ugh.